Terpenes are the largest and most diverse group of naturally occurring compounds that are mostly found in plants and are responsible for their fragrance, taste, and pigment in addition to serving a protective function for the plant. In the plant world, terpenes play an important role, they not only attract pollinators, they also work to repel predators.

Some plants with terpenes you are likely to be familiar with include pine trees, lemon, nutmeg, lavender, cinnamon, cloves, hops, black pepper and mangoes.

The most fascinating characteristic of terpenes is their ability to interact synergistically with other compounds in the plant. This synergy created by the interaction between different terpenes is known as the entourage effect.

Together, each chemical compound has the potential to initiate greater or different therapeutic effects than they would in isolation.

The symbiotic relationship and physiological effects of terpenes and other phytochemicals has long been recognised in traditional medicines. The effects that these mechanisms produce vary from terpene to terpene; some are especially successful in relieving stress, while others promote focus and increase energy. Most terpenes also have anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and other health promoting properties. 


Terpenes bind to receptors in the brain and give rise to various effects in the body. In addition, each type of terpene reacts in a unique way with other molecules in the human body, changing the ways in which our bodies absorb other plant compounds and, consequently, causing various beneficial health effects.

Entoura Terpene Blends